Direct Object or Object Complement? – You Decide

In each of the following sentences, indicate whether the bold string is a direct object or an object complement.

I find it inviting.

The customer found a cockroach in her soup.

Bidin took several photos at Babat’s wedding.

They named their new baby Migha Omel.

He was appointed Vice President.




Direct Object & Indirect Object

direct object is the receiver of action within a sentence, as in “He hit the vase.”

Other examples:  1) Migha kill the stupid rat.

2) Babat slap Amal’s face.

Be careful to distinguish between a direct object and an object complement

(which will be explained in another post)  


The indirect object identifies to or for whom or what the action of the verb is performed. The direct object and indirect object are different people or places or things. The direct objects in the sentences below are in boldface; the indirect objects are in italics.

  • Madam Khazriyati gave her students A’s.
  • Grandfather left Bidin and Babat all his money.
  • Amal sold me her boat.

Object of preposition is somewhat different from indirect object. The object after a preposition is called object of preposition. For example:

I’ll send the box to him.

She handed the note to K.


One easy way to memorize:

Omel omel

Let’s say that the cat is a subject. The sentence would be something like this.

The cat give the dog a present. 

In the picture, what is closer to the subject? The present right? The present is actually a direct object while the dog is an indirect object. So, whenever you got a sentence like “Bidin handed Beyla the letter.”, draw a simple picture like above and see what’s closer to the subject. What’s closer to the subject is the direct object 😀

Incidentally, the word me (and similar object-form pronouns such as him, us, them) is not always an indirect object; it will also serve, sometimes, as a direct object.

  • Bless me/her/us!
  • Call me/him/them if you have questions.